Hippocampal corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons support recognition memory and modulate hippocampal excitability

Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) signaling in the hippocampus has been established to be important for mediating the effects of stress on learning and memory. Given our laboratory’s recent characterization of a subset of hippocampal CRH neurons as a novel class of GABAergic interneurons, we hypothesized that these local GABAergic hippocampal CRH neurons may influence hippocampal function. Here we applied an array of molecular tools to selectively label and manipulate hippocampal CRH neurons in mice, in order to assess this interneuron population’s impact on hippocampus-dependent behaviors and hippocampal network excitability. Genetically-targeted ablation of hippocampal CRH neurons in vivo impaired object recognition memory and substantially enhanced the severity of kainic acid-induced seizures. Conversely, selective activation of CRH neurons in vitro suppressed the excitability of the mossy fiber-CA3 pathway. Additional experiments are needed to reconcile the functions of GABA and CRH signaling of hippocampal CRH neurons on hippocampal function. However, our results indicate that this interneuron population plays an important role in maintaining adaptive network excitability, and provide a specific circuit-level mechanism for this role.


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